Attention Big Brother Fans! This season has started.... (to fizzle out before it even began!)
Is it just me or is anyone else already bored by this season's cast, just two boring episodes in? There are some interesting characters to say the least, but the "twists" and what not have been pretty much the same stuff done bass ackwards from years past.
Anyway, who cares what I think? (And if that's true, why am I writing this blog? Ah well... )
Here are my takes on this season's housemates and their estimated chances of winning. Keep in mind I'm never right on the ultimate winner. I'm sure I'll be just as wrong this year as I have been in seasons past but oh well. At least, once you read my blog, you'll know who not to bet on when you go to Las Vegas next week.
Let's start with Kail. This week's Head of Household. She's already proven herself to be a liar. Ironic, mind you, that they introduced her by showing a clip where she stuffs a BIBLE into her bag, as if she couldn't live without it. Not once have they shown her reading it on TV and she is engaging in underhanded tactics that would make Jun and Alyson sit down and take notes. Plus she's not being forthright about who she is. She was boasting in her tape about how they practically owned the town. She thinks she'd get voted out if they knew she didn't need the money. She's right. She's one of the people who give truly religious folks a bad rap. I hope that she doesn't win. Personally, I don't think she will. She's formed an interesting alliance but I see it crumbling without some very powerful players that are not currently taking part in it. But I'll get to that. Eddie's Odds of KAIL winning: 28 to 1 (which is to say if everybody else got eliminated twice and she got voted back in after being eliminated herself maybe she'd win... otherwise, she'll be gone before August gets here.)
Next we have Amber, the single mom who is reportedly also taking care of several other family members. In my eyes, this makes her probably the most worthy candidate to win, but since when has the most worthy won? And to be fair, this isn't about charity or morality or what have you. It's about the ability to play the game. I do see her getting past this week, just because she's a relatively easy pawn and her "sob story" will win her some sympathy votes. Then when she's served her purpose, she'll be booted. Eddie's Odds of Amber winning: 12 to 1. A long shot, but not out of the running by any means.
Carol is the other nominee this week. And in a surprise twist, she's a former rival to houseguest Jessica (whom I'll get to in a minute.) I see Carol as very down to earth for a person her age. However, she's not crafty enough to form an effective alliance. She's going to try to get by on her looks and on the fact that she might be willing to make out for votes. (Not saying she would....saying she might.) That'll get her a few votes, as Alyson Irwin proved in seasons past, but it won't win the game. (Didn't work for Alyson did it? She placed second, not first.) Personally, she adds nothing to the game for me. She's going to be a floater. She'll be useful, as Amber would be. But I think she has less of a sob story. She's a sorority chick trying to make it on Daddy's Money. Boot her out and let the sob story continue a while. Not sure if Big Brother wants their summer ruined so fast by booting out one of the rivalries so quickly, but I think it should happen, just to make MY summer better so I'm sayin she'll be gone this week. Eddie's Odds of Carol Winning? 50 to 1.
What can I say about Daniele? She's cute, seems to be sweet, and she's very insecure about the fact she's not yet 21. Yanno, big brother could get in serious trouble if they allow an underage person to drink alcohol so I hope they'll take note of that. But this isn't about her drinking habits. It's about her chances. Personally, I think they're very good. With Daddy Dick in the house (even if they haven't spoke in a while) I believe him when I say he'll die before letting Daniele get voted out. Whether or not she'll reciprocate, I can't say. But again it's not about her morals. It's about her game playing ability. She's already proven she can turn on the sympathy waterworks. "Poor Little Me and My weird Daddy who just wants to be my friend, seeing as how I'm a grown woman now and don't need to be told what to do and he's willing to recognize that and just try to be your friend instead of trying to be all controlling and treat me like I'm 5 years old or something... boo hoo! I'm so mistreated!" You're sweet, kid. But you annoy me. Eddie's Odds of Daniele Winning: 6 to 1
Now for Daddy Dick...or Evil Dick as he prefers to be called. He's the oldest cast member in the house. His best shot for an ally is a daughter he hadn't spoken to in two or three years before entering the house. And his name dropping is getting old after just two episodes. Daniele is right. The boy needs to dial it down a bit. We get it. You're a tattooed, pierced freak who is currently experiencing a midlife crisis and a quest for approval from a much younger and more hip crowd. Now sit down, Edgar Old Guy, and let the kids have the bubblewrap for a while. You're going to be late for work! I seriously don't see him as a viable winner in this. Daniele is the key and I see her using him to get further in the game but his love for his daughter will ultimately be his undoing. Here's the question though. If his daughter is the ultimate winner, how will he feel if he winds up just being a pawn in her scheme? Will he still cry the tears and talk about how much he loves her? I don't know, but he'll be sitting outside the Big Brother house soon enough, so maybe I can ask him then. Eddie's Odds of Dick Winning: 13 to 1.
Dustin. Honestly I know very little about Dustin. I can't make a clear impression of him. As of this writing, he's a virtual mystery to me. He seems to be quite the cool player, but there is something a bit untrustworthy about him. Perhaps it's just his willingness to play the game. But in the rivalry with ex-boyfriend, Joe, Dustin gets the sympathy edge from me. (Again, I'll go into that later.) For that reason alone, I'll give him decent odds. Eddie's odds of Dustin Winning: 10 to 1
Eric! Yanno, nobody ever told me that Jim's Dad (from American Pie) had an affair with Adam Sandler!! Who knew!??? America's Player hmmm? Ehhh... boring. And Eric really doesn't make me laugh. I guess you have to be locked in an Alice-In-Wonderland-themed house to get the jokes. Either way, he's comic relief and is not perceived as much of a threat right now. That could buy him some time much like Robert was bought some time the year that Jun won. He wasn't perceived as a threat. He very well could have been, but for a twist of fate and (ultimately) his own lack of mental fortitude. Eric has a sense of humor and that's about it. Being 5'7, he's perceived as the least physical threat by the women. If he can buddy up with the girls, he's got a better shot, but I don't see it happening. For now, though, the fraternity of six foot steroid freaks will keep him around as their Big Brother version of Peter Pettigrew (Harry Potter reference for those of you who don't read.) After that, he's out and America's Player will be no more. Eddie's Odds of Eric Winning: Same as Eric "Cappy" from the previous season. Next to none...But I'll grant him numbers and say 16 to 1.
Jameka. I'm going to speak bluntly here, so don't get offended. I'm going to reveal an immutable truth about Jameka. She's this season's token black chick. She's a way of keeping the NAACP or whatever off of CBS's back, plain and simple. If it were not true, there'd be at least one other person of color in the house somewhere, as there have been in seasons past. She's a quota filler, nothing more. She's a floater and she'll be used to the benefit of other players. She has no one with whom she can truly align. Her best shot is to choose one of the gay guys and hope they'll watch each other's back. But that will only get her so far. And she'll be gone. I hate that this is true and I'm not saying it's excusable. I'm not saying it's justified. I'm not saying it's right in any way. But I am saying it's an obvious truth and anyone who can't face up to this simple fact is truly an ignorant racist. There are no asians in this year's contest. No one who would appear to be Indian or of Muslim faith. Just because Jen has a decent tan doesn't make her an ethnic minority. Jameka is alone in the house and soon she'll be outside the house. Right or wrong, it will happen just the same. And you can say you read it here first. Eddie's Odds of Jameka Winning: 100 to 1.
Jen. She cried over a PHOTOGRAPH! Are you kidding me? And then taped something over it so that the world couldn't see it? Honey, you're not that good looking! My Lord! Second, if she's that worried about your looks, my advice to anyone watching is get a degree in plastic surgery now, because 10 years from now, when things start to go south on ol' Jenny Girl, you're going to have one seriously frequent client on your hands! Looks fade, pud'n. What lasts is your heart and your mind. And judging by what I've seen so far, neither of yours is developed much above the level of an Alyson Irwin. But T&A got Alyson all the way to number 2 in her season. Of course, that same tactic got her booted rather quickly in All-stars but I digress. I don't think Jen can parlay big boobs and obsessive vanity into Big Brother Cash. She's got a better shot than some with those assets, but those assets won't get her the prize. In my opinion, she doesn't have enough brains. That'll be her undoing. Eddie's Odds of Jen Winning: 14 to 1.
Jessica. This girl just annoys me. That might be because I've only ever known two girls named Jessica that weren't complete and utter lying skank hoes, but I am not sure. She's like Holly and Janelle rolled into one. No brains and totally oblivious to the fact that her conceit makes her ten times uglier than any other woman in the house. I think she's got a few brains, just as Janelle proved to have, but I think it'll only get her so far. Ultimately she's not Big Brother winning material. And besides, with her "buddy" gone, why keep her around? There's no controversy. She's just a vote. Her only safety net is to promise her vote somewhere. That'll buy her some time, but she'll be gone eventually. Why? Because she annoys me. And eventually she'll annoy everyone else. But then I said the same thing about Janelle and she dang near won twice! Still, I think she'll be gone eventually. Eddie's Odds of Jessica Winning: 30 to 1
Joe. I hate to say it but he's not exactly a long shot to win. I don't think he'll win but he has a decent chance. It's just going to depend on which gay guy can convince the house he's the lesser of two evils. And let's face it. Joe came in with the "Original Eleven." If they see his attitude going from Jovial Joe to JackMonkey Joe, they'll probably diagnose Dustin as the problem and drop him like a bad habit. And there's very little anyone can do about that. Still, he really strikes me as an evil little prick. And to be honest, he reminds me of Marcellas, only far more feminine and much more of a liar and a whiner. If it was me, I'd kick him out in the first week, but it's not me and the people in the house never have my same way of thinking. So unfortunately I have to put up with him for a while. Lucky for me, he won't be around forever. He'll just be around a few more weeks than I'd be comfortable with. Eddie's Odds of Joe Winning: 6 to 1
Mike. Probably the best chance for a win here is Mike. Right now, no one knows that much about him. He's not approaching anyone for an alliance but he's being approached left and right. He's smart. He's letting others come to him. As weeks unfold here, I think we'll see Mike as almost a "Dr. Will" type. Crafty. Just hanging back. Remember, Dr. Will never won an HOH or POV yet he won season 2 and nearly won BB All-stars. I think this same strategy will serve Mike. Eddie's Odds of Mike Winning: 3 to 1
Nick. A former NFL player? For who? I don't recall him. Yanno, trying out for the team doesn't mean you were a former player. Anyone know what team he played for and if he did more than just shower with the guys at a practice? Anyway, he doesn't stand out for me as much more than a steroid freak. He'll ride coat tails. He'll serve folks in contests due to his physical prowess, but he's just the Big Brother mule. Doing the grunt work for those who don't want to have to do it themselves. He won't win, but the ultimate winne could wind up owing Nick for their success. Eddie's Odds of Nick Winning: 5 to 1
Zach. No doubt, he's this season's attempt at Howie Gordon. So far, I'm not entertained. And I don't think we have a "Busto" in this season, but maybe Kail could surprise me. Either way, I don't think he'll quite reach the level of humor and comic offensiveness by the playful Howie Gordon. And I don't really see him as much more than a second fiddle to the ultimate champ. Sort of like the "Four Horsemen" Alliance from seasons past. He'll ride the coat tails of others but he doesn't have the ability to truly be a leader. Maybe I'm wrong. It's early in the season. That's for sure. But coming up with this season's "Jack Shack" doesn't give me a sense of confidence about his intelligence. Eddie's Odds of Zach Winning: 12 to 1.
So there you have it. MIKE will be your ultimate winner. So will this be the first time in Big Brother history that two folks with the same name won it? Last year, Mike "Boogie" Malin won Big Brother All-Stars. Will another Mike take Big Brother season 8??? I guess you'll have to tune in for the next 3 months to find out, won't you? But in the meantime feel free to leave me your thoughts!
Till next time, this blog is brought to you by the letters W, E and H and by the number 2
Monday, July 9, 2007
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